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Claimed By The Aliens Page 3

  Arin grabbed my arm and led me out of the small room. That was it; I was now married to for alien Dains. The very aliens I detested. Be very racist that had caused the death of my husband and would kill me if they knew I had a human child inside of me. I didn't know how I was going to get through this, but I had to.

  Chapter Four


  I was relieved when I won the bid for the human female of my first choice. I had seen Vinkara looking at her. I did not know him personally, but I had heard stories of him. They were not good stories. He was known as a ruthless soldier, and he had tortured many humans in order to get information from them in order to defeat them. It was what he did. The Dains considered him necessary. I considered him a fool. But it did not matter. Now that the human female named Reena was in my hands and not his, I no longer needed to think of him.

  She was quiet. She was shy. Or was her silence due to the fact that she had just been auctioned off and bought, and then married to four males that she considered to be aliens? I guess that would render anyone into quiet shock. I wasn't going to pressure her. I was glad that I was in good company. My group was composed of like-tempered soldiers. Bryne and Lokin seemed to be content to put her needs first, as well as Arin. That meant I was in good company. I couldn't stand to be with an alien that wanted to torture this human female. We would have problems then. But they all seemed ready to be patient and to get to know her. It was exactly what I wanted as well.

  Now, we all sat in a ground car going over the ruins of what used to be Chicago. I looked at her as she looked out the window with wide eyes. A single tear rolled down her cheek. I understood. This was her home and she was seeing it completely decimated. At that moment, I wanted to put my arms around her, to comfort her. But how could I do that? I was the one that had destroyed her world.

  Bryne was our driver, and he turned down the winding roads going over rubble. The city was active with Dains searching for human men in hiding, or human females that were not virgins and carried the virus. I could see Reena being tense.

  “Looks like we might have something along the lake. How lucky is that?” Lokin said as the car turned down toward the vast lake.

  “This is it.”

  “I will get in. Code,” Arin said.

  “Ze670x,” Lokin said reading from the information packet given us.

  Arin jumped out of the vehicle and typed in the code on the wall. The gate slid open. Bryne drove inside and immediately parked. It wasn't a very big piece of land, but it was private, and it was now ours.

  “This is it. This is your new home, Reena,” I said to her. She looked at me but said nothing. She looked out the window. I could tell that there was sadness in her. I could not blame her for that. Arin came around the side and opened the door for her. He playfully bowed and held his hand for her to get out. She took his hand, and he helped her out of the car.

  “What do you think? I think it is quite nice,” he said to her.

  “This is where I will live? This is where we will all live?” she finally spoke. Everyone looked at each other, relieved that she wasn't a mute.

  “Yes, this is now your house. You are the mistress of this home,” Arin said.

  “I didn't expect something like this. We can be outside. You can see the lake. It is a proper house,” she said stepping toward the front door of the house.

  I realize that she was probably expecting something dark. Something like military barracks. But this was not that. It was a small cottage with a view of the lake. The fenced-in area was large enough to park our vehicle, and there was enough space to sit outside on all sides of the house. It was dirt, which meant I could have been chilly put in some grass and some plants, make it a real home.

  “Yes, all those things. Why don't we go inside and take a look?” I said, unlocking the door. We all stepped inside.

  There was a nice glass wall giving a great view of the lake. I heard her gasp a little. I didn't know if it was because she was pleased or unhappy.

  “I like it. I like being able to see the water, and the sky. I like being able to sit outside,” she said.

  “Good. It sounds like we have a good home then. We have a lot of work to do to get settled; why don't I go bring us dinner?” Bryne said.

  “That sounds like a good idea. I am going to check the plumbing. You don't know with some of these houses, and it is best to know now. That way we can get to work on it,” Lokin said.

  “Keara and I will look around with Reena. Let's see if we can find the biggest room, and that one will be yours,” Arin said to her.

  “I understand,” she said.

  We walked around the house. The back room had a great view of the lake, and it was the largest. There was a large bed and a table. This would be her room. I looked at her as she looked at the bed. She grew nervous.

  Chapter Five


  Group 236 was a good group. Yes, I would have to contend with Keara, always the war hero, but he was a good soldier and therefore would be a good husband share. I would just have to make sure that I remained equal to him and not in his shadow.

  I did agree with him on the choice of wife: our first choice. Her name was Reena, and she was beautiful. She had long, strawberry-blond hair and was petite but robust. She did not look frail and fragile like the others. She was sexy, that was for sure, and also looked like she would be good for giving birth. There was a quiet strength to her that was evident to me and the rest of us.

  I had a good feeling about her. I knew that she would become pregnant quickly, especially with my strong sperm. I was good in bed. I was good at giving pleasure. But my body was ready to reproduce.

  “I think I did pretty well. Once you show up at the mess hall as a husband, they are very generous with their rations,” Bryne said walking in with a giant tub. He set it on the table and opened the top. Inside were large containers of food.

  “That does make a difference. Does anyone want to go get our wife to bring her to dinner?” I said.

  “I will go,” Lokin said.

  The rest of us moved through the kitchen looking for our stock of plates and utensils and cups. The house was already well stocked and ready to move into. We set the table, ready to give our wife a good meal. It was important that the human females ate well; they needed to stay healthy. They were the ones that were going to be growing a baby inside of them.

  “How are you finding your room?” Keara said.

  We looked up to see Reena walking into the room with Lokin behind her. She was in a very long blue and white dress.

  “It is good and comfortable. I am suddenly going in. In the wardrobe were some clothes,” she said looking down at her dress.

  “Yes, it seems they stocked the house well for our arrival. There is food in the icebox as well,” I said to her.

  Bryne moved to the table and moved a chair out for her. She gave us a weak smile and sat down. We all sat down and passed the containers around, serving ourselves some food. It was quiet. It was tense. We couldn't exactly make small talk with her about her past without bringing up the fact that we had destroyed her life, possibly even people that she loved. So what could we talk about?

  “Do you have any questions for us? I know this must be very unusual, but do not fear us. We are all good Dains here. We are kind, not ruthless,” Keara finally said breaking the silence.

  She looked up at us, making eye contact with each of us.

  “Have any of you done this before? Been married to a human female?” she asked.

  “I know I have not,” Keara said.

  “I have not either,” I said.

  “No,” Bryne and Lokin both said.

  “So then this is kind of new for all of us?” she said.

  We all laughed a little. Admitting that it was true.

  “Would you like some more of the vegetables?” Bryne asked as he looked at her plate thing that they were all gone passing the container of vegetables to her.

  “Yes, th
ank you,” she said.

  We could all sense that she was not much for conversation. She did not want the spotlight on her, and so we did not want to make her uncomfortable.

  “There seems to be plenty of outdoor space out there. Perhaps we could work on getting some seating out there between us. Perhaps even find some grass to plant,” I said, taking care of the house and off of her.

  “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I saw some empty wooden boxes outside that we might be able to fashion some seating out of,” Keara said.

  “I can walk around to empty houses and see what kind of plants I can find to bring,” Bryne said.

  “Being able to sit outside would be nice,” Reena added.

  We all looked at each other, pleased. We only wanted to please her, after all, make her happy. This would be important to reproducing. A happy human wife would breed easier and have an easier time with the pregnancy. She had obviously been through a lot and probably needed a lot of rest to recuperate from what we had done to her home.

  “Good, we can start on that around our soldier schedules. Did anyone else get their schedules? They have me off for the next forty-eight hours,” Keara said.

  “Yeah, me too,” Bryne said.

  “Yes, same,” I said, and Lokin nodded in agreement.

  We all looked at each other. We realized why we had been given leave for two days. Reena shifted in her seat, obviously understanding why as well. They were giving us time to consummate the marriage. I couldn't help but smile, just a little. The fact that the Dains were giving us leave of absence for sex would make sense. After all, we did conquer the Earth for this; this needed to be a priority.

  “More water?” Bryne said, breaking the silence as he got up from the table and moved to the kitchen to grab a large jug of water to refill our cups.

  “Yes, water. Speaking of water, how about after we finish dinner we go outside, do a few laps around the house? Give Reena a view of the lake, take in the night sky and air,” Keara said cutting into his vegetable.

  “I would love that,” she said immediately. A small smile spread across her face. I was happy to see her happy, but I wanted to be the one to put that smile there, not him. I had to swallow my pride. This was the way of things now. I would have to share her with everyone. That meant including sharing the reactions we got from her.

  After dinner, we all strolled slowly together, making circles around the house. It wasn't much of space, but it was enough to stretch our legs, especially for Reena, considering that her stride was much smaller than ours. We even brought chairs from the dining table to the back of the house with a view of the lake and sat there. The waves were crashing on the shoreline, giving a peaceful, restful sound.

  After about an hour, she turned in and went to her room. Leaving the rest of us to speak amongst ourselves.

  “I think we should wait until tomorrow,” Keara said.

  “What? Why would we do that? She is our wife,” I said.

  “I think tonight, let her sleep alone. Let her get settled in. Let her get used to us. Let her get used to the fact that we aren't going to go in there and rape her, force ourselves on her. Tomorrow night will be better. We have the next two days off on leave anyway. There is plenty of time,” Keara said. His brows were furrowed together. He was determined.

  “That sounds good to me. I don't want my wife to fear me. I want her to open herself up to me. To enjoy me,” Bryne said.

  “To enjoy us,” Lokin added.

  “All right, if that is what group 236 wants, then that is how it should be. We wait until tomorrow night,” I said.

  “We should tell her this so that she can rest easy. Come, we will go together and wish our wife a good night,” Keara said.

  We all followed. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at his softness. Of course, I did not want her to fear me, but we were soldiers. We were here on a mission and that mission was to reproduce. To me, it seems like we should get started as soon as possible. But I was outnumbered.

  I knocked on the bedroom door of my own wife. After a few moments, she opened the door. Her eyes were wide with fear. She was trembling slightly.

  We all walked into her room.

  “We have just come to say goodnight. Do not worry; you will be alone tonight. Tomorrow we will make you our wife officially; for now, rest. Get used to the house, get used to us. We want to be friends, Reena,” Keara said.

  She nodded her head yes but didn't say anything. He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek and moved toward the door. Bryne and Lokin followed in his movements.

  I walked up to her, towering over her. I put my hands on her shoulders and laying down to kiss the same way, but I missed her cheek and kissed her lips instead. It was no accident. But I didn't linger. I pulled away and smiled at her. She said nothing. I walked towards the door and walked out. I didn't need to look at my group members to know that they were ticked off with my maneuver, but they didn't own me.

  We went our separate ways, to our own bedrooms. I guess we were on the honor system, that none of us would go into her room in the middle of the night. I wasn't sure if there was a lock on her door, but I assumed there would be. Our rooms were of equal size, fairly small. Just enough for a very long bed for us to fit on, a small table and chair, and a small wardrobe where we kept our personal items. As soldiers, we didn't have much.

  I took off my uniform and laid in bed, listening to the waves crashing on the shore and thinking about my new wife. Thinking about how I wanted to be inside of her. My cock instantly grew hard. I wrapped my hand around it. I moved it back and forth, jerking myself off thinking about her. Thinking about what it would be like to be inside of her, feeling her warmth. I pleasured myself until I had some release. Only then could I go to sleep.

  Chapter Six

  Reena Okova

  Being led through the city of Chicago was very hard for me. It was in ruins. Of course, I had already known this for years, but I had been living underground and only came up and small parts of the city for a few minutes at a time at the surface. So I didn't get to see it the way I saw it while sitting in the vehicle as they drove me to my new home where I would be the wife of four aliens.

  So I looked around and cried, and I recognized some places in the rubble. There was a Chinese restaurant that I used to go to, really good noodles. There was the market where I used to be able to get cheese from France. There was the train I used to take to go to the park. All of these places meant a great deal to me and now they were gone. They were wiped out as though they never existed. It was hard for me to see it. It was hard for me to see it and not think about Richard, and his child that I carried. I knew I only had a matter of days before they knew, and I did not have a plan.

  When we got to the house, I knew the neighborhood. It was a very affluent place. Only the very rich had houses along the lake. The home was gated. It was actually very large, a hacienda-style white home with red tile on the roof. This whole neighborhood seemed to be saved from the war except for a few buildings and houses that were in ruin. It was probably because they were a little bit further out from the main center of the city. It was heavily patrolled by the Dains, vehicles with armed Dains riding up and down the streets almost hourly.

  Inside, I was given my own room: a very large room with a very large bed. I knew exactly why. It had a beautiful view of the lake, as did the rest of the house.

  At dinner, I was surprised at just how much food I was given. But I remembered the camp and why we were fed well. They were making sure that I was healthy to be a good breeder. Still, I ate a lot, I was eating for two after all. They did not know that of course.

  Then something shocked me. The four alien men were actually very accommodating. They were even nice. I was glad that they didn't ask me about my past; I couldn't talk about it without being in tears.

  But I was nervous throughout dinner. I knew what was coming after eating. They were going to have sex with me. I didn't know if it would be one-on-one or an
orgy. When Keara asked me if I had questions for them, I wanted to ask them that. But I didn't. I just couldn't. I had to admit that they were extremely sexy. They were all very attractive in their own way, even for Dains. I knew that I was supposed to despise them, and I did in my heart. But looking at them, they were very nice to look at. They were very strong, and for the first time in a long time, I felt safe. It was strange that they made me feel safe when I was trying to feel safe from their own kind. But the fact that I was now owned by these four aliens let me know that no one else would bother me. They were kind enough and also seem to care about my comfort.

  But I was not expecting what happened at the end of the night. They came to tell me goodnight and to tell me that they would not be with me that night. That they weren't going to have sex with me on the first night. I was shocked by it. I was expecting them to just force themselves on me. But they did let me know that the next night, the marriage would need to be consummated. I was glad that I at least had one night to myself to get some good sleep. And to get used to this new situation of mine.

  The next morning, the sunlight filtered through the gray sky in small bands. It was still a dark sky, but now that I was in an area that allowed what sunlight there was to filter in, it did make its way into my windows. I woke up and looked out to see that the sun was rising over the Great Lake; even though it was concealed behind a heavy gray cloud, I could see the small glow of the sun. I grew very excited. I had slept in my clothes, not wanting to sleep naked. I grabbed my sandals and tiptoed out of my room to the back door. I quietly opened the door and quietly closed it. Once I was outside, I put on my sandals and walked to the fence and stared at the glow of the sun.

  “It is a nice sunrise, isn't it?” I heard a familiar voice say.

  I looked behind me to see Keara sitting there. He had a delicious grin on his face. I didn't know that I wasn't out there alone.