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Trent (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) Page 7

  There was a light tap at my door. I knew who it was already. I slowly opened the door.

  “I need to discuss some details of this mission,” Trent said in an official tone.

  “Yes, of course, Commander,” I said letting him in.

  I closed the door and then smiled at him. “This is very dangerous. You can’t be here.”

  “I know, but I had to see you,” he groaned taking a step toward me.

  “No. Too risky,” I said stepping back from him.

  He groaned in frustration. “Fine, if you say so.”

  “Yes, I do. We are so close to doing something that is going to help Earth and the Grantsions. We can’t do something to jeopardize that.”

  “Yes, you are right. Since we can only talk, I do have a question for you,” he said.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Why did you do that out there? Why did you agree to go back to Anvin and to be the point person for this? You are so close to your home. Don’t you want to go home?” he asked.

  “Yes, of course, I do, but…” I said, wanting to tell him that I was pregnant. But I held my tongue. “I want to be with you more. Is that wrong?” I said.

  “No, it is not. I want you to return. I want to have you all to myself,” he said.

  “But our secret could be exposed on Grantsion. You would be punished,” he said.

  “Then it will be a punishment worth getting,” he said looking me up and down.

  “That is flattering but don’t say that. I want you to not be punished. We must keep us a secret, now more than ever,” I said.

  “Yes, I will. It is just too hard,” he moaned.

  I looked at his crotch.

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I meant,” he said.

  I bit my lip thinking about how he looked naked with his hard cock. I sighed and then let out a frustrated moan of my own.

  “There you go; now you are in the anguish that I am in,” he said.

  I laughed, “This is true. Now I must urge you to get back. If you stay longer, it would be too suspicious.”

  “Yes as you wish. You will be commanding me if this agreement goes through,” he said.

  “I like the sound of that,” I said, giving him bedroom eyes.

  “You must stop speaking in that sensual tone or I will throw all caution to the wind and take you right here, right now,” he said.

  “I will remember that you like this and we will revisit it another time,” I said pushing him toward the door.

  He groaned again and then as soon as I opened the door, he stood up straight and took a very official tone. “Good night, Gaines. Thank you for answering my questions, and I will see you when we reconvene tomorrow,” he said.

  “Yes, good night to you, Commander,” I said, closing the door.

  I smiled. He really was the most dashing alien I had ever met.

  That night I lay in bed not able to sleep. There was too much on the line, and it filled me with anxiety. Having a view of the Earth also made me question my decisions. The longer I looked at it, the more I ached to be home. But I had to think of the child I carried and my feelings for Trent. Not to mention that the fate of this entire agreement relied on me returning to Grantsion to help oversee it. No, I would have to give up my ambitions to return to Earth and hope that maybe one day I could visit when the alliance between the Grantsion and Earth was set. I finally fell asleep with this hope in my mind.

  Two days later we stood in front of Ambassador Harcourt and his team.

  “I have called you here today because the Earth leaders have contacted us to say that they are ready to enter into this agreement with the Grantsions,” the ambassador said.

  I sighed in relief and smiled.

  “That is great news, Ambassador, thank you,” Leader Marca said.

  “But we must urge you to be patient with us. This is going to be a slow process on our side. We would want one battalion at a time so that we can gain trust. But we do believe that in time this idea of yours in banning together will be a good thing. We want to be in contact with Samantha Gaines and from here on out, she has been granted the title of Ambassador Gaines,” he said.

  I gasped. “Thank you, sir. I will not let you down.”

  “Good. When you return to Anvin, we are ready to have meetings with you and the leaders of Anvin to talk about the details of how this will work,” he said. “You are dismissed to return to your planet when you are ready. Thank you, Leader Marca and Commander Qoln, for coming to us with this pact,” he said.

  “Thank you as well for the trust you have given us. We are anxious to get started and will be leaving within a few hours,” Leader Marca responded.

  We left the meeting, and I was feeling happier than ever. I was named an ambassador. I had gone from slave to ambassador, and I was going to help a major change happen for both Earth and the Grantsion.

  A few hours later, we were back on the long-distance ship and on our way back to Anvin. I said my silent goodbyes to Earth as we left. It was so hard to be so close and yet not step foot on the planet, but I understood the need to meet on the moon base and not on Earth. It was a tricky thing to let a Zenkian ship into Earth on purpose. They had been trying to keep Zenkian ships out of Earth for years now. It wasn’t an easy thing to trust them. It was a delicate balance. I was now part of that balance.

  Our ship with a crew of six, including Leader Marca and the Commander and I, set out into deep space for the return journey home. Home: that had a new meaning for me, I thought as I sat in my small bunk aboard the ship.

  “What are you doing?” I said frantically as the door rapidly opened, Trent came in, and he shut it behind him.

  “I couldn’t deal with being away from you any longer. I have to be inside you,” he said.

  “But what about Leader Marca? He could come try to find me at any point,” I said in a panic.

  “No, that is not possible,” he said with a grin.

  “What do you mean?” I asked suspiciously.

  “I took him on with a bit of drink. Everyone knows the man can’t hold his drink. I also pretended to be drinking most of what I poured for myself. He is out cold for next several hours. The crew is busy flying and defending the ship; they won’t look for us until we are in range of Anvin, which is days away,” he said coming closer to me.

  “You just have it all figured out, don’t you?” I said seductively.

  “I have gone through great pains for these few hours with you, and yes, it took some figuring out. Let’s not waste more time,” he said as he rapidly unzipped the top of his uniform. “Take off your clothes,” he added.

  I was now in a space leotard type of uniform that I had gotten from the moon base. It was better for space travel than the dresses of the Zenkian females. I began to unzip it, but Trent turned me around and unzipped it from behind. He peeled it off of me.

  “I have to have you right now,” he said.

  “I know the feeling,” I said. He picked me up and I laid me on the bed. He moved his body between my thighs and then clamped his mouth over my breast.

  “Oh yes,” I said.

  “Shh… we must be quiet,” he whispered.

  “I can try,” I said.

  “Yes, do try. I don’t need the crew to think you are in distress and then they barge in here,” he smiled at me.

  I laughed, and at that moment I felt the tip of his large blue cock enter me. I bit my lip so that I would not scream out in ecstasy. It felt so good to have him inside of me. He slid his body up, and his cock entered me deeper. I moaned and grabbed onto his back. He moved deeper until he was all the way inside of me. I wrapped my legs around his body and held him close to me. My mouth bit and licked at his strong chest with blue skin. It was so erotic to me. My hands moved up and down his strong forearms over and over. They flexed as he held himself up and swayed his hips back and forth. He moved faster and faster pounding against me. “Oh god. I’m going to cum,” I whispered.

  He gro
aned in response. Then I felt the tiny pulse move from my center through my entire body. It was a reprieve to be able to relieve myself of the pent up sexual tension I had been storing while not able to touch him. But he did not stop. He continued to move in and out, sliding with ease in my wetness. His mouth hungrily moved over mine when I tilted my neck back to see him. His cock was so long and thick, and I was enjoying every inch of it. Trent moved like this for twenty minutes or so before he finally tensed up and released. He restrained his groans as well. It was not an easy thing to do, but it was necessary.

  Chapter 10

  Commander Trent Qoln

  I didn’t ever think that a human could make me this happy. I never thought of it all because it was forbidden. These rules were still in the back of my mind, and I was careless to pretend they did not exist for me. But they did, and we could not get away with our secret forever. I knew that it would have to be addressed one day, but it had to be far into the future. The most important thing was to set up this pact with Earth.

  We arrived back on Anvin, and the leaders were already aware that the pact was successful because we had sent them countless communications while in space. So when we arrived, the leaders and Samantha… well, Ambassador Gaines, I mean, went straight into working on the project. I was surprised that the leaders even saw fit to her being the first human to live among us because it was a requirement of Earth.

  I had to find a way to be closer to her after being back on Anvin for a week. I would go crazy if I was not allowed to touch her. So I came up with a plan, and it was why I stood in a private chamber in front of Leader Nizok and Leader Marca.

  “I am worried that news of this human will eventually get to our enemies,” I said.

  “Tell us what you are thinking, Commander,” Nizok said.

  “I want to offer this human protection. She is the key to this agreement. If anything should happen to her, the humans would think we have betrayed them. They will think we are the ones that hurt her,” I said.

  “That is a good point,” Leader Marca said.

  “I would like to move her into a dwelling next to my own where I can keep an eye on her. I believe her safety is my responsibility. I am the one that found her and brought her to you,” I said.

  “Yes, that is a good idea. You watch over the human, Commander Qoln. The guest dwellings that she resides in is too low to the ground and there is no one to watch her. I think you should arrange this,” Leader Marca said.

  “I agree,” Nizok said.

  “Thank you, leaders. I am also going on my first patrol with my team since I have returned. Ambassador Gaines is with your communication team now, so she is in good hands,” I said.

  “Good, Commander Qoln. Report back if you find anything of importance on your patrol. The Waysaw have been unusually quiet lately, and that puts us on edge,” Nizok said.

  “The War Games are coming up in a few months; perhaps they are just focused on that training, or planning an Earth raid,” I said.

  “Precisely. These are the things we need to know. Go on your patrol and see to the human’s dwellings when you return,” Nizok said.

  I saluted him and left. I went out to the speeder. “How are you? Did you miss me?” I said as I patted it on the nose. I jumped in and took off fast and hard. I was craving a good reckless speed over the land, my land.

  I roamed with my team over the same areas that we had patrolled over before.

  “Looks clean and clear,” my squad teammate said.

  “I agree with that. Wait, what is that on the horizon, on a rock ledge. Do you see it? It is at 38 degrees by 72 degrees,” I said zooming my scope in.

  “I see it. It’s a Waysaw speeder,” he responded.

  “They are on Grantsion lands. They crossed the line. A scout maybe?” I said.

  “I don’t know. We need to get a closer look and engage to chase them out of here. We have permission to fire if they are across the line. Let’s go get it,” he said.

  “Woo! Let’s get to it. I could use some danger,” I said. I sped my speeder toward the Waysaw speeder along with my teammate. Suddenly it took off back in the direction of Waysaw.

  “They saw us. Let’s chase all the way to the line,” I said.

  “Yes, Commander,” he said. We chased after the speeder. It was strange that they were not engaging in a fight with us. This meant it was probably a scout as well. They were looking for a weak spot to raid us.

  “Base, this is Commander Qoln; we are on the tail of a Waysaw speeder that is on our lands. Prepare base for a raid as we think an attack could be coming. Be on high alert,” I said over communication lines.

  “Copy that, Commander,” the response came over the line.

  I did not see any heavy masses of Waysaw ships, I only saw the speeder scout, and that was a good thing for now. It meant the attack was not happening at this moment. This gave me time to go back and be with Samantha, to protect her.

  Chapter 11

  Ambassador Samantha Gaines

  I was glad to be back on Anvin. But now that the details of the pact were underway, I had more time to think about the fact that I was pregnant. It was hitting me hard. I knew that I had to tell Trent, and soon. It was unfair to not tell him, and I hated having this secret from him. I had truly fallen for him. I could not keep it from him any longer. I decided that I would tell him. If he wanted to never speak to me again, it would hurt me, but on the bright side, I would be keeping him out of danger. He would no longer be in danger of getting caught for having relations with a human.

  I opened the door to the guest dwelling ready to go to a meeting that morning. I knew that Trent was going to be out on patrol later and I would not see him until late into the night, if at all. I would tell him then, I said to myself. But as I opened the door, Malaya stormed in.

  “What the hell are you doing back here!” she shouted at me as she barged in. I closed the door before anyone could hear her ranting.

  “Malaya?” I said.

  “You are supposed to be on Earth, you filthy human. You were not to return. Why did you come back here?” she narrowed her blue eyes at me.

  “I had to. It was part of the agreement,” I said.

  “No. That is a lie. You know the real reason you came back was to be with Trent,” she said. “You should not be together. It is unnatural. He is supposed to be with a Zenkian female!” she yelled.

  “And by that you mean he is supposed to be with you, right?” I said calmly.

  She started to shake from her fury. I started to grow scared. I suddenly realized just how much bigger she was. She might be a female, but she was an alien Zenkian female. She was twice my size and strong.

  “That is none of your concern, and it would not be if you had stayed on Earth where you belong,” she said in anger.

  “Do you love him?” I asked.

  Her eyes grew wide. She knew that I knew the truth about her feelings for him. “That is none of your business, human. You have no right to speak to me like this. The Waysaw are right to make you slaves. You are beneath us!” she shouted at me as tears came down her face. She was obviously very angry, and I was frightened of her anger because of all the secrets she knew. She stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

  I sat down on the bench and put my head in my hands. I needed a minute to recover from this stressful moment before I headed to the meeting. It was intense, and I was now more worried than ever. But I had to take it in and push it aside. I had a meeting that was more important than just hiding my secrets. We were talking details of how to set up Grantsion Zenkian battalions on Earth and where. It was a meeting I needed to be focused for. I went to the wash area of the small dwelling and splashed water on my face. Malaya was now a big threat, and I did not know what she was capable of.

  “Pull yourself together, Ambassador Gaines,” I said to myself. I dried my face and set out to go to the meeting. Once I was there, I was able to push Malaya aside and focus on the work, though I
expected at any moment that one of the leaders would be informed of my pregnancy and I would be hauled off for questioning. I was on edge but focused.