Kalarazon Prequel Read online

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  The commander was stunned and felt like it could not get to the point of an uprising. That would just be impossible. However, the more he thought about an uprising happening at any second, The more he thought about Meera alone in the barracks.

  "I will be on high alert. Keep me informed of any new information that comes across your way. Any detail could be a clue. For now, I should get back to the command center in case an uprising or an invasion happens at any second," The commander said.

  "Yes, that is the best. We will take measures here as well. All are prepared to go underground if needed," Master Treen said.

  Baku left the Station Two as quickly as he could and made his way back to the barracks and back to Meera.


  The attack came swiftly and in a way that no one expected. The rebels had commandeered the starship battalion that had been launched into outer space to guard the planet from possible human invasion, and no one knew about it until it was too late. No one knew exactly what had happened only that after the starships had reached space they turned around and reinterred the atmosphere and began to attack the city at key spots. One of the main spots was in the Stanis Trials Dome. They bombed the dome in retaliation of the Stanis trial process. They wanted a democratic system, and annihilating the location where the trials were located was their way of making sure their message was loud and clear. The rebel attack was swift and it was one that did not leave many casualties. The rebel Kalazaron did not want to bring harm to their own race, only to deliver a message. After the starships bombed the city, they disappeared out of sight. It was later discovered that the starships landed in the outlands where the rebels had already arranged for a new station to be built and was waiting for their arrival. The outlands would become the rebel area for centuries to come. This was the start of that rebel faction that would never stop fighting against the Stanis Trial politics.

  Commander Baku Janga spent the attack in the underground command center, this was different than the center where he had launched the starships. This command center was used when under attack and that is why it was underground. He had Meera moved to the underground barracks to wait for him. He hated having to leave her side, but there was nothing that he could do. He was the commander after all and the Kalazaron needed him. This surprise attack left everyone caught off guard. Everyone had prepared for an alien attack of humans, and not from their own Kalazaron race. So when they lost contact with the starships, they thought it was due to a malfunction. It was only when the first starship launched their first missile did they understand what was going on. Steps needed to be taken within seconds and everyone was evacuated to the underground areas as sirens blared throughout the city.

  Now in the underground command center with the starships far from the city the Masters met with Commander Janga to try to make sense of what had happened.

  "This is unbelievable. Commander have you received the report we asked for before we made our way through the underground tunnels to get to you here in the command center?" Master Treen asked him.

  Through the attack the Masters had contacted the commander to make a report list of all the warriors who were currently still at the base. They needed a report of those warriors that were missing as well as the ones that had launched on the starships.

  "Yes, I do have the report," Commander Janga said as he projected a list on the wall. Among the list were the pilots and crew of the starships that had been trained to pilate them. That list was not surprising, however it was unknown if that crew was part of the rebellion or if they had been overtaken by stow aways in the ships. The commander projected the other list. This was the list of the warriors that were missing from the warrior station but should be there. This list would tell them exactly who the rebels were. Master Treen gasped out loud at the list.

  "It cannot be," he said as he saw the name Lieutenant Treen on the list.

  "It is your brother. He must be the rebel leader. It all makes sense now. He has special access to almost every system of the city of Kaethon. It would have been easy for him to pull off the organization it would take to pull rebel resources together The way we have been experiencing and seeing as of late,” Master Stanis said. Commander Jango locked his jaw at the fact that he has caught Lieutenant Treen in the command center with the rebel faction. He could have stopped them then had he been more suspicious of them. Now it was too late.

  Master Treen shouted and threw a chair at the wall. He was extremely angry at his brother for being such a traitor. He was angry at his brother for destroying such buildings in the city that had taken decades to build. Lieutenant Treen had taken advantage of the Kalazaron in fear of a human invasion and turned it into his own invasion and rebellion attack. It was a smart move, but one that would force him to live as a rebel in the outlands for the rest of his life.

  "Began operation clean,” Master Stanis said to the commander. Operation clean was designed to interview and vet out any possible rebels within the city and it would take years to interview all of the Kalazaron and to do investigative research to find out who was on the side of the rebels. It was an operation that had been designed but had never been put into practice until now.

  "Yes master Stanis," the commander said to them as he went to the controls and began the operation. There was lots of work to be done.

  Meera sat in an underground bunker. She had no idea what was going on. All that she was told was that there was an emergency situation. A warrior had come into the barracks where she had been staying with Commander Baku. But she had not seen him since that morning. Now late in the day he had not come back and everyone seemed to be frantic. A warrior pulled her from the barracks and shouted that the commander wanted her underground. She was in no position to argue or to ask to be taken to the commander so she followed the orders of the fierce warrior. As she was taken into the hallway the sirens and flashing lights made her more frightened. She was frightened for her own safety. She was frightened for the safety of the mail order brides and crew from her starship. However, now she was frightened for the safety of the commander. She knew it was a ridiculous thought that she would be so concerned with the alien warrior who was holding her captive against her will. But she had bonded with him. He had taken her virginity and had somehow imprinted himself in her mind. Now as the sirens blared she was concerned that she may never see her alien warrior again. It was a thought that made her feel very sad.

  Boom! The entire ground shook underneath her. She was thrown against the wall and even the strong warrior stumbled as he was thrown off balance.

  "What was that?!" She shouted.

  "Just keep moving! "The warrior said as he grabbed her arm and dragged her into a stairwell. The spiral staircase went deep into the ground and she struggled to keep up with the warrior who dragged her down the stairs almost carrying her. Soon she was deep in the ground and thrown into a small bunker and then he closed and locked the door behind her.

  "Wait! Tell me what is going on?" She shouted but there was no use. She had been left alone. She looked around the small bunker. There was a small bed. It had dust on it. There were shelves on the wall with dried food. She knew exactly where she was. She had seen bunkers like this on Earth. She was in a bunker, a bomb shelter. This type of food was meant to be eaten in an emergency. This bed had possibly never been used. This entire room was an emergency bunker and that made her feel more frightened. She wished that she were with the mail order brides and not alone. She hoped that they were offered underground safety as well in order to protect them from whatever attack was going on above ground.

  She knew that it was not the humans from Earth attacking. So the Kalazaron must have other enemies as most intelligent beings did. She did not know who or what that could be. What if the enemy won this battle? Would she than be taken captive by them? Would she never see the commander again? There were so many questions in her mind and there was no one to answer them. All she could do was sit back and wait for someone to fetch her. She h
oped that it would be the commander himself after all of this had finished. Deep in the ground she could no longer hear the bombs going off, but she did not think it was because it was over. The small shaking of the bed that she sat on let her know that the ground was being impacted in some way but she was deep enough in the ground to not hear it. She tried to calm herself and wait it out. But that was easier said than done as her mind continued to go to the worst possible scenarios. As she waited she replayed all that had happened to her in her mind. She thought about being in New York and finding out about the mail order bride service. She thought about picking out her husband from the photo, a plain miner to give her a normal life. She thought about being excited about traveling in space and going on an adventure, and then crash landing here where her life changed forever. It was too much to handle just in those events, but to add to all of it she had met an alien warrior who she gave her virginity to. That was something she never ever thought would happen to her, and yet she gave into it and she was glad that she did.


  The next day when the smoke had cleared and all operations had been put into practice, Commander Baku Janga was finally able to reunite with Meera. He had been longing to see her and he was very suspicious of the guards that he left to watch over her and feed her. He could not trust anyone. But he had no choice in the matter.

  Finally, he returned to her and she was a miraculous sight to him. He did not think that a female that was not Kalazaron could have this sort of impact on him. Perhaps it was the act of implanting a projection in her mind that had bonded him to her. There was no way for him to know for sure because this was new to the humans and the Kalazaron.

  "Are you all right human?" He asked her as he moved to her side and took her into his arms.

  "What happened? I know that it was not humans who attacked. That is impossible as we did not know that you existed until we crash landed here. What happened?" She asked again.

  "No, it was not humans. It was our own Kalazaron. There is a rebel faction. They commandeered starships that we launched to protect us from Earthlings, your people and they used those starships against us.

  "That is horrible. Is it bad?" She asked. The Commander was surprised that she cared about the city. "No, it is not bad other than building and structural damage to the city. I do not think the rebels wish to harm their own, only to make a statement."

  "What statement is that?" she asked

  "They do not like the politics of our city and want to change them. It is an uprising," he said.

  "Oh, I see. That has happened on Earth throughout all of history. It is fairly common. I am sorry for your troubles," she said. He took her into his arms and laid a kiss on her. She kissed him back.

  She pulled away from him and asked, "What of the females and my crew? Were they hurt?"

  "I do not believe so. They were not on my report but it is possible that it was not deemed that important to include it."

  "Will you take me to see them? Please commander. I have been separated from them for too long. I only wish to see that they are well," she asked. The commander wanted to do this for her even though he was a little disappointed that he would not be able to take her the way he wanted to right in that moment. He had been waiting very long to take her again and now it would be prolonged even more. But he wanted to do this for her.

  "Yes, I will take you there. Come with me," he said as he led her through the underground tunnels as he still did not think it was safe to be at the surface just in case the rebels launched another attack. He led her to the Station Two quarters where the females had been moved to out of the warehouse of cages in order to be experimented on.

  When they arrived there was chaos going on. "What is it?" The commander asked the warriors and robed males in the room.

  "We are missing two human females?"

  Meera gasped at the news.

  "They have escaped?" The commander asked.

  "No, that is impossible. We believe that the rebels may have taken the two human females. Only those with access and keys to this area could have taken them. It would've been impossible for the females to escape on their own. The females that remain say that the two females were taken by warriors of the Kalazaron and never returned.

  "Which females were taken?" Meera asked.

  "The human females named Lisa and Tiffany," they said.

  "No, Tiffany was my good friend," Meera said as she moved into the commander’s arms and cried. Everyone looked at the commander and his new human and how intimate they were. But the commander did not care. She was his. He patted her head and consoled her and said, "Do not worry. If she has been taken by the rebels they will treat her with the upmost care. She is too valuable to be treated badly."

  His words gave Meera a little reassurance but she was still sad that she had lost her companion.

  After the commander did some investigative work to find out exactly what had happened he and Meera made their way back to the warrior station into his underground barracks. Finally they could be alone.

  Baku pulled her close. His fragrance and his provocative manly body felt warm on her. At that point Baku kissed her hard and with yearning.

  "We waited to long to do this again," Meera whispered between kisses.

  "I know however I couldn’t help myself. I am a commander after all," Baku whispered back. Meera grinned at his joke and afterward lifted herself up on her tiptoes and put her arms around his neck. Meera kissed him back firm. Baku lifted her up and Meera wrapped her legs around him as Baku conveyed her to the bed in his barracks. Baku laid her down delicately and afterward squeezed his body on top of hers. Meera was lost in lust and in his arms. She couldn't trust that she was doing the right thing, yet she couldn't help herself. This warrior had taken her virginity already and she should for all reasons hate him for taking her as a captive. Baku was still a criminal to her. However, that turned her on additionally. Meera was with a perilous warrior in a hazardous circumstance. Meera didn't ever anticipate that anything like this would transpire in space when she left Earth!

  Baku kissed her neck and down her chest popping open her dress that he had given her with his teeth. Meera moaned and wrapped her legs around his hips as Baku pushed up the material with his hand uncovering her nipples. Baku licked and sucked on them delicately then harder and then carefully once more. Meera ran her fingers through his long hair and pulled on it. Meera needed him to eat up her. Meera felt like she was losing her mind. No lady in her right mind would offer herself to an alien warrior so willingly. Baku moved down her belly and pushed up her skirt to her abdomen and Meera gasped in response. Meera needed him to lick her.

  "I'm going to taste you human female once more," Baku whispered as he dove his face effectively into her wet opening. His tongue flicked here and there and Meera angled herself for him. It felt so great and fulfilling to have his tongue on her. At that point Meera released, "Oh Commander! I'm coming commander… I'm coming!"

  "Does that feel good to you human female?" Baku whispered between licking.

  "Yes! Gracious Yes!"

  Baku hauled his fat cock out and set the tip inside her opening. Then he slowly pushed more of his hard staff within her.

  Baku looked down at her and grinned and kissed her. His tongue moved inside her mouth. Meera opened her legs wide with her feet in the air and his hand moved down the back of her thigh until it was holding her rear end. Then Baku moved harder and speedier, his fat long cock diving deep within her and moving effortlessly in light of the fact that Meera was so wet.

  "You feel so good human. Fuck yes," Baku whispered.

  Her entire body felt like it was running numb with desire and longing. Meera was so lost in this enticement that she would give him anything. Baku had a hold on her. It intrigued her. Baku pounded against her increasingly hard as their skins slapped together. Meera kissed his hard mid-section of muscular abs and squeezed his nipple between her lips. Baku groaned crushing his hips against her. At that po
int Meera felt herself going into another climax. "Gracious fuck I'm coming once more," Meera whispered scarcely getting the words out. At that point Meera felt him tense as Baku discharged within her.


  The Outlands of the Kaethon planet were at the foothills of the blue mountains. It was located very far from the city of Konthos, almost two day of travel away from the city center. The Outlands were a desolate place.

  The rebel starships remained in formation as they approached the Outlands. Up ahead in the distance was the landing zone that had been preplanned and constructed a year before. As the starships landed close to one hundred Kalazaron looked on. These were the Kalazaron that had slowly left the city in a stealthy manner to make it out to the Outlands for the rebel movement. This included both male and female Kalazaron and it was now a full functioning and self-sustaining society in the Outland region. The rebel base was built into the blue mountain side. This made it an almost impenetrable base. It was one that would house the rebels for centuries to come. It was built solid and it had everything that the society needed to live and function. There were crops and a water source which is why this particular spot had been chosen. The starships hovered over the landing zone and touched down safely. As the engines were shut off the Kalazaron that were waiting for them came forward.


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