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Trent (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) Page 5
Trent (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) Read online
Page 5
“So what happens now? I was not planning for this,” she said. “But now I feel like we need to take some plan of action. I can’t stay here forever. You said you ran into a patrol looking for me. We have very little time, don’t we?” she asked.
“Yes, I am afraid that you are right. We need to do something. I am not sure what. What choices are laid out for us?” I said.
“Us?” she asked.
“Yes, we are in this together now. Whether you like it or not. I’m not going to leave you alone in this. This is my problem now too,” I said.
“I think we should come clean to your leaders. I think we should go to them, but on different terms,” she said.
“What do you mean?” I asked. “This sounds dangerous.”
“I mean we can tell them that you just found me today while out on patrol and brought me in because you could not leave me out there. Then I can say that I have run away but that I also bring them a message. Then I can plead with them to consider a pact with Earth to fight against our common enemies the Waysaw. I will represent that pact. I think if we tell them this, they will overlook the fact that you brought a human here,” she said.
“That could work. It does help with the rules of no human interaction, and we do want to fight the Waysaw, and having an Earth ally would be of great importance, but you are forgetting one thing,” I said.
“What is that?” she asked.
“Even if they agree to what you say, they still will not agree to intimacy between a Zenkian and a human. That is will be forbidden no matter what,” I said.
She sighed. “I understand and appreciate this rule. If the Waysaw had this rule, then there would be no human slaves.”
“Yes, that is true. It is a good rule. One that I just broke over and over again,” I said.
She laughed, “…and over and over, and hopefully over and over again before we leave this bed.”
“You can count on it,” I said kissing her and rolling on top of her.
She laughed and pushed me away, “Trent! This is serious. We are having a conversation here.”
I groaned in frustration. “All right. So what were we talking about? You have already distracted me.”
She laughed. “We were talking about a plan for me to go in front of your leaders. You will take me to them as though you just found me on patrol and I will plead with them my case. Earth needs help; we are no match for the Zenkian. And the more that the Waysaw steals from Earth’s resources, the stronger they become and will overtake the rebels. Together we can stop it, and it is in both our interests.”
“You would make a good leader,” I said admiring her.
“Thank you; so you agree to this plan?”
“Yes, let’s go,” I said getting up from the bed.
“Wait. What? Now?”
“Yes, the sooner, the better. But you must put on your old tattered dress. You can’t be in the dress I gave you. It is an obvious Grantsion quality, and you must follow my lead.”
“Yes, I can do that,” she said hopping up from the bed. Watching her naked body move across the room turned me on. I had to focus. We had a mission, and I could not be distracted from it no matter how damn hot her petite body was. She pulled out the tattered dress she wore when I found her and put it on. She slipped on her sandals and then pulled her hair up and tied it.
I got dressed, and then we moved out quickly onto the ledge outside my dwelling and into my speeder. I drove to the outlands doing a quick loop and then moved back into the Grantsion village area.
“Are you sure you are ready for this? I don’t know how the leaders will react,” I asked.
“Yes, I am ready. I have hope,” she said.
“Your hope gives me hope,” I said.
A few minutes later, I landed the speeder in front of the leader chambers. It was a grand hall carved into the rocky cliffside. I opened the door to the speeder and grabbed Samantha by the arm. “Just go along with me. I have to make you look more like a capture,” I whispered to her.
“I understand,” she whispered back.
Zenkian around us began to take notice of the human. They were stopping and staring and whispering among themselves. Soon there was a commotion as I led her into the chambers. As soon as I entered, the guard looked at me.
“Commander Trent Qoln to speak to the leaders. I found this human while on patrol. She is requesting an audience with them,” I said.
The guard looked at her up and down taking in the shock of seeing a human. It was probably the first time he had seen one. He nodded and then walked to another guard in this distance and conversed. Then he returned. “Wait here. Your request is being taken to the leaders now.”
I nodded in agreement and then we waited for about ten minutes while the leaders were called to the chamber. I squeezed Samantha’s arm in support to show her I felt her nervous energy. I was with her, no matter what. I had already decided that.
“The leaders will see you now,” the guard said opening the door to the chamber. I felt Samantha sigh.
“What is this, Commander Trent Qoln? Speak,” Leader Nizok said.
“This is a human. I found her in the outlands on patrol. She has told me that she is a runaway slave of the Waysaw. As they are our enemy and we are against what they do to humans and to Earth, I felt it was my duty to help her. She has informed me that she wishes to speak to our leaders as well,” I said.
The leaders looked at each other.
“Commander, you know the rules about human interaction,” Nizok said.
“Yes, I do. I am extremely apologetic, and I did wave the rules when I was saving her. But was I to let her die? My honor as a Grantsion could not allow that to happen. She could also be a valuable ally. She could have information that could help us,” I said.
“And what is this message she brings?” Nizok said.
I looked at Samantha and then at the leaders. “She wishes permission to speak.”
“Yes, permission granted. Speak, human,” Nizok said.
Samantha cleared her throat. “I would like to thank you and this Zenkian for saving my life. I have been through peril running from the Waysaw city. I was taken from Earth against my will and forced to be a slave. Thank you for your refuge. The Waysaw Zenkian are my enemy. They are the enemy of all of Earth. They are your enemy too. The Waysaw invade Earth and take resources. The more resources they have, the stronger they become. Soon they will have enough resources to make them stronger and stronger, and they will have what they need to defeat you. Because of this, I implore you to contact Earth in order to form a pact to fight the Waysaw together. I am a human, and I have seen inside Waysaw City and I know what it is like. I have seen the Grantsion Zenkian now and the kindness that this commander has shown me by saving my life today. I would be the perfect person to speak with the humans to speak about a pact like this. Will you think this over?” she asked.
I stood looking at her. Her back was straight, and she stood with confidence even though she was in her shredded dress.
The superiors were quiet as they looked at her. They looked at me. They said nothing. There was a tension in the room, and I wondered if they were about to take me into custody for breaking the rules and would banish Samantha back to the outlands, wanting nothing to do with her.
Chapter 7
Samantha Gaines
I was trembling as I stood in front of the superiors. I did not know what their reaction would be. I had only been in the presence of the Grantsion Zenkian for a few days, and only Trent and Malaya. I had no idea what the rest of the rebel community was like. But I had to take a chance. I had to make the most of being here. I would not let my abduction be for nothing if I wasn't at least going to try to help Earth. I pleaded my statement to the superiors, and now I stood there in silence. None of them were smiling, not that I expected them to, but there wasn't a shred of kindness on their faces. They looked angry, and I knew that they must be pissed at Trent for breaking the rules to bring me there.
The chamber that we stood in was inside the mountain. The door was on the outside in the village, but once you went through the door, you entered a large cathedral-like space. The ornate carvings high into the ceiling were exquisite. There was a small crowd gathered behind us as we stood in front of the leaders.
Finally, they spoke.
“Commander, you have broken the rules by bringing this human here,” the one known as Leader Nizok said.
“I am aware, and I am ready to accept the consequences. I made the decision on my own, and I found it necessary to bring her here. If you wish, you can punish me in any way you see fit. But the human is right; the Waysaw grow stronger the more they steal from Earth, and it won't be long before they can overtake us completely. I thought she had wise words to share and I made the decision to allow her to come here and make this request of you,” Trent said.
I tensed up even more. Were they about to take him to prison? It would be all my fault. I could not be responsible for that. I wanted to do anything that I could. I would beg for their mercy if I had to. Seeing Trent get punished for helping me when he was such a kind and heroic soul would be something that I could not handle. I was quiet as I looked at the superiors waiting for them to say something more.
“We must discuss this amongst ourselves in private. Stay here; we will return shortly,” a different leader, known as Leader Marca, said. The four superior leaders stood up and walked into a side room. I looked at Trent, and he nodded to me, and I knew it meant to stay strong. We couldn't exactly show affection for each other because of the secret that we were hiding. I looked at him with grief on my face. I wanted him to know how sorry I was if this turned badly. It was a risky chance to take, and I knew that putting him in danger was going to happen. But now seeing the reality of it, my heart couldn't handle knowing he could be put into prison or banished. He obviously loved the Grantsion Zenkian and would do anything for them. I did not want to be the cause of him becoming an enemy of his own kind or being banished. I was growing more nervous by the second. I shifted back and forth on my feet. I wished I knew what these leaders were talking about. It would help to know how they thought. I didn’t know anything about them. What if the kindness that Trent showed me was solely a trait that he had and was not something that all the blue-skinned aliens had? My stomach began to grow butterflies of nervousness, and I hoped that I would not vomit in front of everyone.
I looked at Trent. He quickly winked at me, and it made me feel better. He was being playful even in this time of tension and possible punishment. It was why I had fallen so hard for him so quickly. It wasn't just the fact that he was my own personal hero, but he made me feel good no matter what situation I was in. There were very few that made me feel that way on Earth. Even before I was taken, I had only a handful of relationships with men to speak of. I had one long-term relationship with a farmer named Michael Benson, and it ended with him cheating on me. I dated off and on and never really found a connection there either. Both of my parents were deceased, and I was an only child. As this went through my mind, I realized that Trent was more family than anything that I had to go back to on Earth. Suddenly waiting for the leaders to come out had a heavier weight than before.
The door to the side room opened, and the superiors came out. They sat down once more and looked at us. I held my breath. Whatever they said, my life would forever change.
“How exactly would this pact or agreement with Earth happen?” the leader asked.
I sighed in relief. There was some hope. The fact that they were asking questions was a good sign. “May I answer that question, Leader?” I asked trying to be respectful.
“You may speak, human,” he said.
“I think the leaders of Earth would need to hear it from a human that the rebel Zenkians want to talk about forming an alliance. I know they would greatly accept your help in fighting the Waysaw. But they might find it more trustworthy to hear from a human that was taken by the Waysaw and has seen this planet and what is going on. They will know that one of your own rescued me and that you took me in and allowed me to return to Earth to speak of this,” I said loudly and clearly. I did not want to be mistaken for saying anything else than what I meant.
“So you would go to Earth to discuss this agreement, human?” Leader Marca asked.
“I would with whatever leadership you would send along to speak with them as well. It would be a peaceful mission. We would need to alert them that we would be coming. Perhaps they would even want us to meet on the space station on the moon. You could see how they would be wary of any contact with any Zenkian. If we were to try to just communicate this pact at a distance, they might think it is some sort of trick,” I said.
The leaders looked at each other and nodded. I was very surprised by their quick thinking and that they were open to this. They stood up on the stage and then crowded around each other. I could hear them whispering but could not make out what they were saying.
I looked at Trent. A small smile expanded on the corner of his mouth. Damn, he was cute. Even in this time of tension, he was turning me on. I felt my body respond to him. I was full of adrenaline with everything that was happening. I might be going to Earth, but now, I did not want to stay there. I wanted to be with Trent. Damn, what had I gotten myself into?
Finally, the leaders stopped whispering and once again took their seats. They looked us over.
“We, the leaders of the Grantsion Zenkians, grant this request. We will follow the human Samantha Gaines’ idea to see if the humans of Earth will be open to speaking of such an agreement. If they are, then we will launch the mission,” Leader Nizok said.
I nearly burst in joy. I wanted to jump up and down and scream in happiness, but instead, I smiled and nodded to them in gratitude.
“Commander Trent Qoln, you shall be in charge of this mission. You and the human, as well as leader Marca sitting to my right, will be the ones to go to Earth to talk about this agreement to see if the humans are open to it. Prepare as soon as possible; we swill end the message within the hour and if they accept, you will depart within twenty-four hours of their acceptance,” the leader said. I looked at Trent with wide eyes. I could not believe it. I tried to restrain a giant smile and happy dance.
“Thank you, Leaders. I will not let you down.”
“Human, you go as a middleman of sorts and a sign of peace. Leader Marca here will be in charge of the actual agreement; is that understood?”
“Yes, it is understood,” I said.
“Good, for now, we would like you to join us in a council. We would like to know all the information about how you escaped the Waysaw as well as what you saw and learned in your stay with them.”
“Yes, I am open to giving all information to you; anything you need,” I said.
“Good, Commander, bring the human to our private chambers in exactly two hours. For now, see that she is fed and looked over as well as giving her a change of clothing. She is a guest now; she will be treated as one. Once she is able we will have her record a message to be sent to Earth, the leader said.
“Yes, Leader Nizok,” Trent said.
I sighed in great relief. The leaders left the great chamber. Trent came up to me and gave me a little smile, hiding the fact that we were well acquainted and would kiss and jump for joy if we were alone.
“Come with me, human; I will see that you are fed and get you a change of clothing as well as have you looked over by the doctor,” he said pretending to go through the motions.
“Thank you, Commander, I appreciate your help,” I said formally. He grabbed my arm and led me out of the chamber. The heat of his skin touching mine was the only touching we could do at that moment. But even that was enough to get me excited.
All eyes were on me as Zenkians gathered from the village outside of the great chamber as we walked out. They were staring, and I could hear a lot of commotion. They were whispering about me. I heard the words slave, red hair, human, and white skin. I kept my eyes
down but had a pleasant smile on my face letting them know that I was no enemy. Trent led me to a small dwelling in the side of the cliff. He opened the door and led me in. He closed the door behind him.
I turned to him and jumped up and down.
“We did it! It worked!” I said as I gave him a big hug. He hugged me back.
“You were fearless up there. I am very impressed with your skills,” he said.
“And I am impressed with your everything,” I said.
“Yes, there is a lot to be impressed by,” he said.
“So this message will be sent to Earth. I know they will be happy to hear from the rebel Zenkians. I just know it!” I said happily.
“And if they accept, you will be going back to Earth,” he said with some sadness.
“Yes, but I don’t want to stay there,” I said.