A Drackon Christmas Read online

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  “Good, I want you to. I want to make you happy. I want to make up for lost time,” I whispered.

  “Yes, yes,” she whispered as she released in my hand.

  Bam! The door to the office burst open.

  “I knew it! There they are!” Samara shouted. Two warriors stood at her side. They both walked into the small office. I pulled my hands away from under Noelle’s dress.

  “What? What is going on?” Noelle said.

  “I found this! You think you can deceive me? No one treats me like this. Don't you know who I am?” Samara shouted at me. She had the letter that Noelle had written me crumbled into her hands. She held it up, shaking it in the air. That would be why it was not in my tool belt. She must have taken it while I slept the night before. I should've been more careful.

  “Samara, calm down,” I said putting myself between her and Noelle.

  “Gavonn, what is going on?” Noelle asked.

  “Oh, does she not know?” Samara asked.

  “Don't,” I said to her.

  “I am his wife. Gavonn is my husband and has been for a year now,” Samara said.

  Noelle gasped. “What? No,” she said.

  “Yes, it is true. Did he not tell you? Of course, he did not. It seems that he likes to lie and deceive his lovers, and that includes you,” she said putting her hands on her hips.

  “Samara, it is not like that. You do not know what you speak of,” I said.

  “Yes, I do. I know very well. And you know that what you were doing hair with this human female is punishable by law. You will go to prison for this,” Samara said.

  The two warriors at her side stepped toward me.

  “Do not lay a hand on me. I do not want to hurt you,” I said looking at both of them as I took a stance.

  “Captain, you are under arrest,” one of the warriors said.

  “That may be, but I am not going to go peacefully,” I said.

  “What are you waiting for? Arrest him,” Samara said.

  "Noelle, stand back,” I said. I could feel her moving to the wall.

  “I warned you,” I said to one of the warriors. They looked at each other and then came at me. I ducked and went between the two of them quickly. They didn't see it coming. I grabbed one of them and flung him against the wall. He hit the wall with his head and was knocked out. Now the other one came at me. He punched me. I punched him back. We rolled on the floor until I had his head in my hands. I did not want to hurt him. I only wanted to give myself some time to get out of the situation. I grabbed his head and hit it against the corner of the table. He passed out. I stood up. I looked at Noelle. She looked at me with wide eyes. Then she looked at Samara, and her eyes narrowed.

  “Samara, it was wrong of you to do this,” I said.

  “Noelle, come with me,” I said putting my hand out to her.

  “You are married?” she asked her voice trembling.

  “Yes, I am. I can't explain it now. There is no time,” I said.

  “Guards!” Samara shouted as she turned and ran out of the office.

  “Crap!” I said. Then I grabbed Noelle's hand. “In about one minute, there will be more guards on me then I can fight off. We have to go now,” I said.

  "Go with you? But you lied to me,” she said.

  “I did not lie. I just did not tell you that I was married. I meant to, but we got carried away when we first laid eyes on each other. I beg you, Noelle. We must go now. My ship is right outside,” I said as my hand tightened on hers. Then I ran to the door, leading her with me. She did not give protest, and I was happy about that. There was no time for that.

  “This way,” I said running in the direction of the door to the outside where I had landed my ship.

  “Where are we going?” Noelle asked.

  “To my ship. It is right outside,” I said running. I could feel her struggling to keep up with my long stride. I was practically dragging her behind me.

  I kicked open the door to the outside just as I heard shouts on the other end of the hallway. It was the guards, and Samara shouting orders to them.

  “Get in!” I shouted to Noelle as I opened the door. She crawled in, and I crawled in after her and immediately started the engine. I didn't bother waiting. As soon as the door was closed, I pushed the ship into the air with the lever. Just as I did, I could see the door opening and warriors pouring out of the building. We had made it just in time.

  “They are going to be coming after us. I have to move fast. Make sure you are strapped in,” I said to her knowing that there would be ships in the air coming after me in a couple of minutes or less.

  “What are we going to do? Are we going to Mooreah?” she asked.

  “No. I am putting her into hyper speed. We cannot go back to my planet. I am now a fugitive, and so are you,” I said.

  “What? What the hell is happening, Gavonn?” she said.

  “I need to get this ship into hyperspeed. But where?” I said out loud.

  “Where can we hide that no one will find us or expect us? At least for a few days while I figure this out,” I said.

  “Earth. Go to Earth. I know a place,” she said.

  “Are you sure? That is not exactly the safest place either,” I said.

  "Yes, I am sure. Do it; we don't have time,” she said.

  "All right, setting for Earth,” I said as I typed in the coordinates. Then I hit hyperspeed. In seconds, we were speeding through the galaxy.

  “I don't think we are being followed. But it is hard to tell,” I said looking at the radar on the screen. Noelle was quiet. She sat in the chair, strapped in. Her arms were crossed across her chest. She was pissed off, and I couldn't blame her.

  Chapter 9

  Noelle Evergreen

  Just when I thought that my Christmas miracle was going to come true, it was all shot to hell. The female Drackon that I had been dealing with, Samara, was his wife! When I fantasized about seeing Gavonn again for the first time in years, I did not imagine that he would be married to another. It was a shock, a complete and crazy shock.

  Now we were in hyperspeed, on our way to Earth. I didn't know what to say. I crossed my arms and stared ahead.

  “Talk to me,” he said, breaking the silence.

  “No, I do not want to,” I said turning away from him.

  “Noelle, I am sorry. I know that you must be in shock. You have every right to be,” he said.

  “That is all you have to say?” I said angrily.

  “No, but you are not letting me finish…”

  “That is because I am pissed off. how dare you keep that from me! I can't believe that just happened. What just happened? I'm so confused, Gavonn. What was that back there? I can't believe I left. I was working. Now I can never go back to my life,” I said rambling on and on.

  “Just let me speak, dammit!” he said.

  “Why? So you can lie to me some more? This is a nightmare. This is not how I thought things would go,” I said narrowing my eyes at him. I was fuming.

  “This is not how I planned things to go either. I was not planning for that to happen. I was not planning…”

  “No, you were not. You were not planning on getting caught cheating! You were cheating on your wife!” I shouted at him.

  “That is not what I meant. Will you just give me a minute to explain? Just calm the hell down,” he said.

  “No, I will not,” I said. I unbuckled the seatbelt and stomped to the back of the ship. I opened the door to the washroom and stepped in. I did not want to look at him.

  “Dammit, Noelle! You can't run away from me. We need to talk about this. I have a right to explain myself, don't I?” he shouted at me from the front of the ship.

  But I did not want to hear it. I was extremely mad at him, but I was also mad at myself. I had let myself get carried away with something that I thought was more than it actually was. I had thought that if Gavonn was alive out there somewhere, that he was pining away for me the way that I was for him. I thought that
he was waiting for me or trying to get in contact with me. But I was very wrong. He only waited a year before marrying someone. That broke my heart. I was pissed off, but I was pissed off that he was going to see me heartbroken. He didn't deserve it. I splashed water on my face. What the hell was I going to do now? I was now a fugitive, with Gavonn. Even though I was angry at him and he was married to another I was now stuck with him. At least until we figured this out.

  There was banging out the door.

  "Noelle, I am sorry. I want to tell you everything. I don't love her. There was so much to tell you, and I should've told you as soon as I saw you, but I couldn't. I want to talk, but I am not going to do it through this damn door,” he said. He was angry. Why the hell was he angry? He had no right to be.

  “Leave me alone, Gavonn!” I said.

  “Fine. I have to keep an eye on the ship anyway. I've pulled out the bed and blankets for you. At least try to get some rest,” he said. Then I heard his heavy boots walk away.

  The washroom was small: very small. It reminded me of one on an airplane. I couldn't stay in there any longer. I slowly opened the door, trying not to make any noise. Even though I knew it was obvious that he heard the door opening.

  I peeked out. He was sitting in the pilot seat. I tiptoed out of the door. There was a hanging bench, a very long one, with a thin mattress. It was a fold out bed of sorts. There were two blankets folded and a pillow. I was exhausted. Even though it was morning on Sala, I had not gotten used to the time difference. Traveling from one planet to another was the worst jet lag possible. Plus, I just wanted to lay down. I didn't want to sit next to Gavonn.

  I lay down on the bench and covered myself with the blanket. I stared up at the ceiling of the ship. This was not what I thought it was going to be like. I did not plan on leaving Sala with Gavonn in this way. In my head, I thought that he would ask me to marry him and that I would be invited to live with him on Mooreah. I would be able to see Betty again. It would be one big friendly bunch. But that was far from what had happened. Though I was shocked when he said that Betty was marrying his best friend.

  I kept thinking about all of these things over and over and slowly drifted off to sleep. I did not know how long I slept, but it must've been a while.

  “Noelle, wake up. We are almost there. Noelle,” I heard Gavonn say. In my sleep, I had forgotten what had happened. Hearing his voice made me happy. For a split second, I thought that everything was great. I had Gavonn again. I had wanted him for so long, and he was back in my life. I opened my eyes. He was hovering over me. His brown eyes with the vertical cat-like pupil stared down at me. It was then that I remembered. He was married, the jerk.

  “What? What is it? What do you want, Gavonn?” I said as I sat up on the bench. I rubbed my eyes trying to wake up.

  “I am about to pull the ship out of hyperspeed. I need to know where on Earth we are going. I will need to put in the coordinates to take us there,” he said.

  I stood up and stretched. I could not believe how fast hyperspeed got us to Earth. It was so much faster than the long voyage of going the normal speed.

  “There is a cabin in upstate New York. I only just inherited it a few months ago. I have not been there since I was a child. I don't know exactly where it is,” I said.

  “You don't? Then how are we supposed to get there? I thought you had a plan,” he said.

  I put my hands on my hips. “I do have a plan.”

  “Then tell me,” he said.

  “I have the deed, the paperwork for the cabin in my apartment. It has the address on it. We have to go to my apartment to get it,” I said.

  “So we are going to New York City?” he asked.

  “Yes, we have to,” I said.

  "New York City it is,” he said. He moved to the pilot seat and began to type in the information and making the adjustments. I moved to the chair beside him and strapped in.

  “Where is your apartment?” he asked.

  “It is near a large green area called Central Park. It is in a very tall building on Fifth Avenue,” I said.

  “Would I be able to land on the roof?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “All right, we are entering the atmosphere of Earth directly over this area of New York City,” he said.

  “I will direct you,” I said. Within seconds, the right city lights of New York came into view. We were lucky that ships coming and going from the Drackon fleet was a standard deal. It wasn't unusual to see a Drackon ship or a Drackon flying around with their silver wings.

  “There, you see that very bright white light,” I said pointing to a particular landmark.

  “I do,” he said.

  “I am two buildings to the left of that. There is an orange light on the roof,” I said.

  “Roger, I see it.”

  I watched as he expertly piloted the ship onto the roof. I wasn't expecting to be home so soon. I was expecting in my heart to end up staying on Mooreah with Gavonn as his wife. But that has drastically changed, obviously.

  “No one comes up here. In fact, the door is usually locked. I'm not exactly sure how we will get an aside,” I said as I unbuckled my belt and stood up to walk to the back of the ship.

  “Leave that to me,” he said.

  “If you say so,” I said rolling my eyes at him. Anything he said pissed me off. I just wanted to punch my tiny fist against his heart and chest, but I knew it would do no damage. He was a hardened warrior.

  We walked out of the ship onto the roof. I walked to the door that led to the stairs. I pulled on it.

  “Locked, like I said,” I said.

  “Allow me,” he said pushing me over to the side. I crossed my arms and moved to the side to watch him. He didn't believe me that it was locked.

  He pulled on the door handle with a grunt. The door opened. He looked at me and smiled. He had broken the lock. I hated that it turned me on that he was so powerful more so than a human man.

  “Great. Good job,” I said sarcastically and with a bit of sassiness. I did not want to admit to him that I really was impressed by this. In fact, I was going to give him more shit about it. I walked into the stairwell, and he followed. “But now that you have broken the lock, anyone can go onto the roof and see your shit,” I said crossing my arms across my chest to make a point.

  “I can take care of that too,” he said. “Stand back, Noelle. I don't want you to get hurt.”

  I walked down a few of the steps getting away from him. Then I watched as his chest began to glow orange then yellow. Out of his mouth came a short burst of fire. The lock melted back together. Then he stopped. He turned and looked at me and gave me that arrogant smirk again. I just turned my back to him and began to walk down the stairs. I did not want him to see that I was breathing hard. That my heart was pounding so fiercely, I thought he might be able to hear it. I did not want him to see that I was impressed once more and then I was completely turned on beyond belief.

  A few moments later, I was unlocking the door to my apartment with a key I had hidden on the ledge of the hallway. I had left Sala with none of my belongings in our quick escape.

  Chapter 10

  Captain Gavonn Viox

  I walked into the apartment. It was a different apartment than she had when I was first in New York City and met her. This one was larger and more lavish. It was beautiful, with a lot of glass windows that looked out over the city. There was a green tree in the corner near the window. I thought it was odd to have such a plant in the home.

  “Your home is lovely,” I said in a formal way. She was still mad at me, and it prevented me from being casual with her the way I wanted to. It prevented me from taking her into my arms and kissing her. It prevented me from pushing my cock inside of her the way I wanted to so badly. It was something that I had wanted for over two years, and it had reached a breaking point. Now that she was just inches away from me, it was complete torture.

  “Thank you; make yourself at home. I am just going t
o wash up and change my clothes,” she said.

  “We cannot stay here very long. It is not safe,” I said being the warrior that I was and always prepared.

  “That is fine. I just need to rest a bit and to find the paperwork,” she said walking out of the main room.

  I poured myself a large amount of water and chugged it down. Then I moved to the window and looked out over the glass. There were more lights than I was used to seeing in New York City. There were lots of small twinkling lights in the colors of red green and white all over the place. I did not understand it. I could even see large red ribbon here and there across the buildings.


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