A Drackon Christmas Read online

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  Noelle came out of her room. She was freshly showered with wet hair and a silky dress that went to her mid-thigh, but was obviously not meant for wearing out in public. I guessed it was something to sleep in. Her feet were small and bare as she took delicate steps into the main living room. She was drying her hair with a towel.

  “I had to take a shower. I needed to get out of those clothes. Do not worry, I will get dressed in something more suitable for us to leave. I just need to be in this while I search for the paperwork, give my feet and body a rest,” she said as she walked across the room to a large dresser with lots of drawers.

  “I understand. Your body needs rest. You should also drink a lot of water. Space travel dehydrates the body,” I said pouring her a very large glass of water and setting it down in front of her. She did not look at me when I did so. She was opening one drawer after another searching through piles of papers.

  I moved to the window.

  “Noelle, what are all these lights and red ribbons? I do not remember saying all of this last I was in New York,” I asked.

  She stopped shuffling through the papers and walk to the window. She looked out over it putting her hand on the glass and smiled.

  “This is Christmas,” she said.

  “What do you mean? The day that you wrote about in the letter?” I asked.

  “Exactly. It is hard to describe it, but it is something that is celebrated with lights and ribbon as you see. It is part of showing the Christmas spirit. All those that look upon it feel a glow and warmth on the inside. It is a cozy feeling,” she said.

  "I see. We also have days of celebration on Mooreah. We celebrate nature and decorate with flowers and trees,” I said.

  “Yes, exactly like that. We also celebrate with a tree. This is a Christmas tree, but I have not decorated it yet. I had planned on doing it, but then the opportunity to go to Sala came up. But remember the white bright light I told you to follow in order to find my roof? That is known as the Rockefeller Center, Christmas tree. It is an eighty-foot tree that is decorated with fifty thousand lights. It was brought from a forest far away. Look, you can see it from here,” she said walking to the corner of the room and pointing at the window. I followed her and looked where she was pointing. Just as she said, I could see the tip of a large tree sticking out among the buildings. There was a large crystal star on top of it, the white light that had guided us to her apartment building. I was astonished that it was part of the Christmas celebration.

  "That is beautiful,” I said.

  “Yes, it is. It is even more beautiful when you get to stand under it and look up. There is an ice-skating rink where we wear boots with blades on them to glide over the ice. We have hot chocolate or coffee and laugh and fall down on the ice. It is what I would be doing if I wasn't caught up in all of this. I thought that we would be doing it together,” she said as she looked at me and her smile faded to a frown. Her eyes grew watery. Then she turned her back to me.

  “I should get back to finding that deed with the actual address so that we can get out of here,” she quickly moved back to her search.

  I watched her. It gave me great pain to see that she was so hurt by my actions. She didn’t deserve the hurt. I had kept vital information from her. But it wasn't what I had wanted, and I didn't do it on purpose to deceive her. I needed her to know that, but I could sense that bringing it up now would be a mistake. She was working.

  “Is there anything I can do to help? I can search with you,” I said walking over to her side.

  “No, I think he will just be in the way. You don't know what this paper looks like or what it will have on it,” she said.

  “Then I can help another way. If you describe this place to me then I know how to prepare for it. We might have to be there a long time until we figure this out,” I said.

  Her hands stopped moving on the papers.

  “That is a good point. All right. This place is what we call a cabin here on Earth. It is very rustic an old, almost more than a hundred years. It is a very simple building made out of trees. It belonged to my grandparents, and they left it to me after their passing. It only has the basics. There are two small fireplaces for heat. So we will need chopped wood to keep ourselves alive,” she said.

  “I understand. I can take care of that easily depending on its location. Is it surrounded by buildings the way your home is here?” I asked soaking in the information that she was telling me.

  “No, it is surrounded by large trees. It is isolated in a forest,” she said.

  “Good. Then there is plenty of firewood to be cut down. I can take care of that easily. What else? What about food and water?” I asked. She continued to search the drawers for the paperwork.

  “There won't be any food in the cabin. My grandfather used to hunt for rabbit for a rabbit stew, and game hens. There is a creek nearby, but it will probably be frozen. Hopefully, the water pipes and water pump are still working,” she said.

  “I can also take care of that. It sounds like we might need supplies,” I said.

  “Yes. We will need to take supplies. If you want to go through my kitchen, you can fill bags with food that is in cans and boxes. That might help,” she said.

  “Yes, I will do that. I also want you to pack a very warm clothes and blankets. Humans run cold, as the Drackon run hot. I will be fine, but I worry about you,” I said.

  “I will as soon as I find this,” she said.

  We both kept working. I gathered food from her kitchen as well as blankets from her cupboard and piled it all in the living room.

  "Got it!” she shouted.

  I turned to her and went to her side. She held up a large document.

  “This is it. This is the address,” she said pointing to a line of text on the document.

  “Excellent. Allow me to gather that information,” I said as I typed in the information into my arm brace computer.

  “I should memorize it,” she said as she wrote the information down on a sheet of paper. Then she wrote it down a couple of more times. She closed her eyes and repeated the information over and over. She was absorbing the information into her mind the way my computer had absorbed it. With her eyes closed, it was hard for me to not reach out and place my lips on hers. I had to look away.

  “I am going to put this deed in my bag,” she said taking the document to her bedroom.

  I followed her.

  “Noelle, we need to talk. We can't go on like this,” I said leaning against the wall.

  “I don't want to talk. You betrayed me. That is all there is to say. Now we are stuck together until we can figure out a way that we will not end up in prison. That is all there is to it,” she said opening her bag and throwing clothes into it.

  “No, that is not the truth. I think you don't want to hear the truth because you are afraid,” I said as I started to get angry. Why was she so resistant to talking about this?

  “Afraid? You think I am afraid and that is why I don't want to talk to you? That is bullshit,” she said throwing items on her bed and facing me.

  “No, it is not. You are afraid to talk about this because you don't want to admit that you love me just like I love you. You don't want to admit that you love someone that is married to someone else. It terrifies you to your very core. Instead of facing it, you were going to hide from it like a coward,” I said growling at her.

  “How dare you say such things to me. You have no right to call me a coward! I am not afraid. I am not afraid of you!”

  “Yes, you are. Just admit it. Just to be honest,” I said taking a step toward her.

  “Look who's talking about honesty. You are a liar and a cheat!” she said as she came at me. Her hand raised up and slapped against my cheek. It barely left a sting and from the way she shook her hand, it seemed like it hurt her more than it hurt me.

  “I did not lie, human female! How many times do I need to tell you that?” I said as I grabbed her wrist to prevent her from slapping me again, and pulled he
r towards me. Her body slammed against mine. She looked up at me with anger in her eyes. They were watery.

  “You did too lie, you alien scum!”

  “Fine! I did lie. But not to you. I lied to Samara. I used her to try to get over losing you. But it did not work. I never got over you; I still love and want you. I want you now,” I said.

  I placed my hungry mouth on top of hers. I kissed her hard. She moaned and kissed me back. I was not going to let her get away. Not this time. I needed her too much.

  Chapter 11

  Noelle Evergreen

  I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want him to touch me. I knew that if the moment came when he did touch me, that I would give into him immediately. I wanted to stay mad at him. I wanted him to suffer the way that I was suffering. I felt the trade and I wanted to punish him.

  But the moment he started to ask me about the Christmas lights outside, my heart softened. Dammit. He knew the way to my heart. Just talking about the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree and how the decorations affected all of us, I was in a state of holiday sadness. How could this be? I thought that having Gavonn by my side during the Christmas holiday would solve my loneliness, but instead having him here only made me sadder than I was before.

  The turn of events made me feel at a loss. What could I do? He was married. He was a married alien with an alien wife who turned out to be the worst female I have ever met. Why her? Why did she get to be so awful and yet enjoy Gavonn as a husband? It was unfair.

  I did my best to avoid him while I looked for the information that we needed. I was glad to give him the assignment of getting supplies ready for us to leave to upstate New York to hide out in the cabin. It kept him busy and away from me. When he started to get close, I could smell him, and it made my mouth water.

  But when our heated exchange happened, I couldn't say no any longer. The moment he kissed me, my knees buckled, and my heart went out to him. Now he was kissing me with such hunger that I could not get away from him. I kissed him back. I kissed him back with two years of hope bottled up inside of me. But now there was no one that was going to burst in and catch us. I wanted him inside of me, and I wanted it now.

  My fingers fumbled at his tight material. I found the zipper along the side on his shoulder and unzipped it all the way down to his waist. He groaned in my mouth as I slipped my hand inside and felt his warm skin.

  I was only wearing a slip after my shower, and now that my body was pressed against his, I could feel the heat from his skin. My nipples grew instantly hard. They brushed against the alien material of his clothes.

  “Damn it, Noelle. I need you,” he growled.

  “I need you too, Gavonn,” I whispered. His mouth came down over mine again. His kiss was hungry and passionate. It was a kiss that had been waiting for two years to devour me. I allowed it to take me. My hands greedily ran up and down his body. I could not get enough of him, and he was so damn tall that no matter how fast I ran my hands, I could not touch all of him. There was just too much of him. He was a massive alien beast.

  His enormous hands ran down the back of my slip as he kissed me until they were cupping my ass. Then he slid his hands further, cupping my wet slit. “Oh yes,” I moaned.

  His long fingers explored and rubbed along my wet center. I picked up my thigh and rested it against his thigh. I wanted him to explore deeper. His large alien fingers moved inside of me. “Oh, Oh Gavonn,” I moaned.

  He growled against my mouth. His fingers were so long as they explored my drenched center. He massaged and moved his long fingers in and out of me until I thought I was going to faint against him.

  “I can’t handle this anymore,” he growled angrily. He pulled his hands from me and took a step back. He grabbed the slip in his hands and ripped it down the center in one single movement.

  I gasped. I was not expecting it, but I liked it. He pulled the material from my body. I stood there in front of him naked.

  Then he scooped my naked body into his arms and carried me to the bedroom. My hands went around his thick neck and into his dark long hair. I stared into those alien brown eyes. The vertical pupil down the middle was as alien to me as anything else about him. He was a dragon, a weredragon, and he was about to claim me.

  He threw me on the bed. I bounced off the soft mattress. I felt vulnerable being the only one of us that was naked. He climbed onto the bed.

  “No. First, take off all of your clothes,” I said.

  He grinned a crooked grin that made me wetter than I already was. His white teeth flashed. He stood up and moved away from the bed. I watched as he pulled off the alien warrior tool belt that carried his weapons. Next, his clunky, heavy boots came off. Then the top of his synthetic suit followed by the derets.

  Now he was completely naked except for the arm brace that covered almost half of his left forearm. It was a digital gadget for communicating and keeping information.

  “Now can I join you?” he asked as he stared at me. His hard cock stood straight up. It was thick and long, a dragon alien cock. It was perfect, and I wanted it inside of me. I could not wait any longer, but I didn’t know that he had other plans.

  “Yes,” I said. “You may.”

  He climbed onto the bed just as before. It was hard to hate him at this moment for being the husband of another. I had lost all my senses to desire and longing. I had yearned for him for so long.

  His large hand moved onto my ankle. I sighed. His touch set every inch of me on fire, even a light touch to the ankle. He looked up at me with those alien eyes and watched my face as his hand moved up from my ankle, all the way to my thigh. My breathing was rapid, and my heart was beating loudly.

  “I’m going to taste you, Noelle,” he said.

  I sucked in a sharp breath of air as his hand moved up my belly and onto my bare breasts. He moaned as his fingers fondled my nipple. Then his face plunged between my thighs.

  “Oh god. Oh,” I moaned as I put my hand in his dark black hair. I could feel the stubble of his beard scratching against my thighs. He kissed my wet center before pushing his tongue inside of me. I laid my head back on the bed. I felt like I was melting into the mattress. He licked and sucked on me causing me to wiggle underneath him uncontrollably. I was on the verge.

  Gavonn’s hand moved down my thigh until it was wrapped around my ankle. He pushed my leg up, opening my thighs wider. He kept his hand on my ankle, and it made me feel like I was his sex slave. It drove me crazy.

  “I’m going to cum. I don’t think I can hold on,” I whispered breathlessly. My body began to tremble. I felt the pulsing between my thighs. It was small and slow, but it was building bigger and bigger.

  “Oh. Fuck! Fuck!” I shouted as his mouth moved to my clitoris and he sucked and flicked with his tongue. I was gone.

  A blinding white light went off in my mind, and I exploded into orgasm. I shouted over and over, “Fuck.” It was all that I could say as the pulsing matched my heartbeat between my thighs and I released into his mouth.

  “Fuck, Noelle. Mmm, you taste so damn good. I wish you could see what I see. You are the sexiest human female I have ever seen,” Gavonn said as his long alien tongue licked me softly.

  “Stop. I’m too sensitive. I can’t handle it anymore,” I tossed and turned on the bed underneath him trying to regain some composure as the orgasm rocked through my body.

  “I can’t stop. How can I?” he whispered as he continued to torture my sensitive areas with tongue.

  Finally, he kissed up my belly. His mouth hungrily clamped onto my right breasts and then the right. My hands went to his back as I rubbed and clawed at his skin. I could feel every muscle there. This was my strong alien weredragon warrior. He was rightfully mine.

  His mouth covered mine. I could feel his hard, throbbing cock against my thigh. Then he pulled his mouth from mine and pushed himself forward. He was twice, my length and so our bodies did not align. He moved higher until his strong chest was facing me. I kissed him on the nipple. Then
on the other, and then I kissed every inch of his hard chest and ran my hands up and down his hard six-pack abs.

  The tip of his cock pressed against my wet opening. I pulled my thighs apart wider and moved.

  “Mmm, that feels good,” he moaned.

  “I want more,” I said.

  “I bet you do. You are so wet, Noelle,” he said. Then he pushed deeper inside of me.

  “Yes, oh yes,” I sighed. His cock slid inside of me. He was so damn thick and long. I bit down on his chest. Inch by inch, he slid inside of me slowly.

  He growled as he moved. He was an alien beast, and the dragon was coming out.

  Further and further he slid until he was inside of me. This alien was a massive creature, and his forearms were flexed as he held his body above mine. His heavy weight would crush me otherwise. The heat from his body was radiating all over me, and his scent was intoxicating. I breathed him in as he paused.


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